Thursday, August 13, 2009

Anti-Alinksy Genius from Recovering Liberal

Attention Culture Warriors!

Tactical Rule: Do not try to counter Saul Alinsky tactics by using those same tactics on liberals. It is a cosmic cancellation.

Geek Analogy: In Star Wars, it was a core value of the Jedi knights not to indulge in the more showy and demonstrative uses of the Force. Choking people, throwing lightening bolts around, and other wiz bang grandstanding was known to pull the good guys down a slippery slope to the dark side. The cautionary tale amongst Jedi masters was that to use the tools of the dark side was to give the dark side a foothold on your soul.

Conservative Application: For example, Alinsky encourages the use of ridicule. Do not try to ridicule a liberal. Their existence is ridicule enough when juxtaposed next to Truth. When a conservative tries ridicule it never works right.

Tactical Options: Please read this from self-described, "recovering liberal", Robin of Berkley, for some great ideas on what TO do... and of course, May the Force be with you : )

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Creepy thought...

Here's a scary scenario to put in your stereo:

What will Obama resort to if he sees that the 2010 and 2012 elections are lost causes for him and his cartel?

Please visit your local doomsday supply shop and start thinking of how you will respond to something "very distracting".

Just sayin'...

Word to the Wise (even latinas)

Good news! EVERYONE on the democratic side of the aisle is on the defense. They are in chaos about the plummeting poll numbers of Obama, they are petrified of meeting with their constituents, they are resorting to name-calling, and generally falling all over themselves.

Now is the time to stay cool and keep the pressure on. Now is NOT the time to get cocky, succumb to delusions of granduer, or get mean. Saul Alinsky taught all these people well. If we do not indulge our outrage and do not play into their stereotypes, America will emerge stronger.

Anti-Alinsky Stuff

Democrats are feeling the heat at their town hall meetings and don't like it.

They don't like to debate and they don't like getting yelled at. One of the very few tools they have in their aging Alinsky toolbox is to unleash continuous name-calling of their opponents. To this, conservatives must find video like the one posted here...

Plus, I am sure there are even better ones out there. The key strategy is to not let them off the hook with their feigned indignance over being not liked (even though Nancy Pelosi "doesn't care).

Sorry, guys, the people are not happy and that does not make them wrong.


About Me

We believe that there are places around the world where extreme, pseudo-intellectual efforts at secularization have produced high levels of mental illness, physical ailment, and spiritual peril. We also believe that our uniquely equipped team is being called to bring Truth, Inspiration, and Worship to these very same areas.