Thursday, August 13, 2009

Anti-Alinksy Genius from Recovering Liberal

Attention Culture Warriors!

Tactical Rule: Do not try to counter Saul Alinsky tactics by using those same tactics on liberals. It is a cosmic cancellation.

Geek Analogy: In Star Wars, it was a core value of the Jedi knights not to indulge in the more showy and demonstrative uses of the Force. Choking people, throwing lightening bolts around, and other wiz bang grandstanding was known to pull the good guys down a slippery slope to the dark side. The cautionary tale amongst Jedi masters was that to use the tools of the dark side was to give the dark side a foothold on your soul.

Conservative Application: For example, Alinsky encourages the use of ridicule. Do not try to ridicule a liberal. Their existence is ridicule enough when juxtaposed next to Truth. When a conservative tries ridicule it never works right.

Tactical Options: Please read this from self-described, "recovering liberal", Robin of Berkley, for some great ideas on what TO do... and of course, May the Force be with you : )

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